Tuesday, October 19, 2010


As diwali season coming im going to post some frequently usable images and videos, you can also add to the collection and make it a library.

This is candle flame can be used on candles and lamps.
use matte for alpha
Files: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUFXD_ixqKE (flame)
          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9D9h-eD3xA (Luma Matte)

Anyone knows how to post videos with alpha channel on youtube or any other sites for sharing?

Images for Diwali
All the images are cropped and saved as .png


I thought it would be useful for me and others to share the knowledge and technique used in Television graphics, in this blog i want to share and receive comments and suggestions for the graphic works. please do post ur work and discuss. If you require any graphic element you can request here (Photoshop, AFX, Max only) and ill try to provide then as soon as possible.
